How Clark Students can Contact Me
Email: 10am-10pm Mon-Sat Quick reply!Email is the best way to reach me privately or urgently. So that your email filters to top priority and forwards to my cell, follow these format rules:
IMPORTANT! Email Format Rules |
TO: |
Canvas Message: I do NOT monitor Canvas "inbox" nor messages sent in Canvas's gradebook, email me instead.
Discussion Board: Math content questions should be posted to the “Q&A Discussion Board” in our Canvas class (not emailed to me directly) so that everyone can benefit from the conversation. I check-in regularly (Monday through Saturday) and students are encouraged to engage in the discussions and assist one another.
Online Office Hours: 8:00-8:50am MWF Live!
Office hours are conducted via SMS texting (no video, no Zoom) three mornings per week. Send text to 360.992.2509 during these hours and I will respond immediately so we can "chat" in live time. Sessions are typically limited to 20-minutes.
Campus Office: BHL-105A (360)992-2509
Printable Schedule: Fall 2024 SCHEDULE