How Clark Students can Contact Me
Email: 10am-10pm Mon-Sat Quick reply!Email is the best way to reach me privately or urgently. So that your email filters to top priority and forwards to my cell phone, follow these simple format rules:
IMPORTANT! Email Format Rules |
TO: |
Canvas Message: I do NOT monitor Canvas "inbox" nor messages sent in Canvas's gradebook, email me instead.
Discussion Board: Math content questions should be posted to the “Q&A Discussion Board” in our Canvas class (not emailed to me directly) so that everyone can benefit from the conversation. I check-in regularly (Monday through Saturday) and students are encouraged to engage in the discussions and assist one another.
Online Office Hours: 8:00-8:50am MWF Live!
Office hours are conducted via SMS texting (no video, no Zoom) three mornings per week. Send text to 360.992.2509 during these hours and I will respond immediately so we can "chat" in live time. Sessions are typically limited to 20-minutes.
Campus Office: BHL-105A (360)992-2509
Printable Schedule: Fall 2024 SCHEDULE